Fishing Report

Arkansas River Tailwater, Pueblo

.Pueblo Tailwater Fishing Report: Pueblo Dam down to I-25

Date: March 29th, 2025

Flow below dam:   495 cfs 

Temperature:  42F From the Dam, 40-46F downstream  

Clarity: Excellent



Winter Water Storage has ended on Pueblo Reservoir so you can expect improved flows from here on out.  Water temperatures are also starting to climb and this is also increasing fish activity and hatches.  We expect to start seeing BWO’s hatch by the end of March with consistent hatches generally beginning in early April.  Until then, midge are hatching daily and the BWO nymphs are drifting more frequently.  Eggs are also plentiful as we are in the thick of the spawn and are particularly effective early and late in the day.

Watch where you wade to avoid crushing eggs and please don’t bother the trout when they are actively spawning on redds.  

We still have a few openings in our guide schedule for March so give us a call if you’d like to book a trip on this amazing fishery!  Several clients have earned 20″ Club hats on recent trips with one client netting two over 20 in the same outing.  


March 5th:

Fishing on the tailwater is rapidly improving with increasing water temperatures and improved flows.  Rising water temperatures are triggering stronger midge hatches and are keeping more fish in prime feeding lies for a good portion of the day.  Rising water temps and lengthening daylight hours is also triggering more rainbows to begin the spawning process and stimulate them to pack on some extra calories.  Try to find fish in 2 – 4′ of water whenever possible as these fish are generally the most active.  Be aware of spawning beds in shallow riffles and tailouts and avoid wading through these areas or fishing to actively spawning fish.  

The fishing should continue to improved over the coming weeks as water temps steadily rise and insect hatches strengthen in numbers and duration.  The Winter Water Storage Program ends on March 15th and flows should remain in the mid 100 cfs range or high from that point on.  200 – 400 cfs is our favorite flow range in the spring as it offers fish a sense of protection from the ever present Osprey and also opens up additional holding water.  Look for BWO’s to start hatching on the tailwater by the end of March.


February 19th:

Fishing on the tailwater is about to really turn on as the rainbows begin to depart their winter resting lies and look to put on some extra calories heading into the spring spawn.  The cold winter has delayed things by a few weeks, but some fish are already spending more time in prime feeding lies while also searching out areas to begin building redds (aka spawning beds.)   The rainbow spawn will play out over the next six to eight weeks and at any given time you may see fish building redds and actively spawning.  It is essential for the future of the fishery that anglers do NOT fish to trout while they are on redds.  If you are new to trout fishing and unsure what a redd looks like stop by the shop and we will be happy to explain.  With that said, the spawn is a process that takes several weeks for any given fish.  During that time, a fish will only be actively spawning for a few hours a day.  The remainder of the time, they will either search out areas of depth and shelter in which to rest, or they will move into prime feeding lies, typically riffles and runs of moderate depth and current.  While resting fish can be convinced to eat with a well placed fly, the greatest fishing opportunity during the spawn is focusing of those fish that are clearly in FEED MODE!  These fish will generally be keyed in on small midge and baetis patterns in size 20-24 but can also be receptive to larger imitations such as eggs, worms, caddis larva and leech patterns.  While it is commonly accepted to fish for trout that are NOT actively spawning,  minimize your impact during this period of increased vulnerability by playing fish aggressively and keep them submerged in the net prior to release.  The fact that the Pueblo Tailwater remains one of the best trophy trout fisheries in Colorado despite it’s popularity is a testament to the stewardship displayed by the majority of anglers who fish it.  If you see someone out there that is not respecting the resource, try to educate them before passing judgement.  If they are snagging fish off redds or otherwise running a foul of the law, please don’t hesitate to report them to Colorado State Patrol (303)239-4501 or the local wildlife office (719)561-5300 so a  game warden can be notified.  Tight lines!  


Recommended Patterns:

Tube Wing Midge #20-24

Foam Back Emerger #18-24

Top Secret, Ninja Midge, Rs2 #20 – 24

Juju Baetis, Top Secret Baetis and FOD #18-22

Mini Flashtail Egg #16

Sunny Side Up Egg #18

Tungsten Caddis Larva #16-18 

Squirrel Leech #10-14


UPPER ARKANSAS RIVER: Canon City to Salida

Date: March 17th, 2025

Flow @ Wellsville: 245 cfs

Temperature:  38- 46F  

Clarity: Good


March 17th:

The Upper Ark has been fishing great all month and BWO hatches are now ramping up adding some great dry fly opportunities in the afternoon.  Fish are responding well to increasing water temperatures and are actively feeding on larger nymph imitations as well as hatching midge and BWOs.  Heads of runs and pools are prime spots to target but the riffles are increasingly productive during hatch periods.  Streamer fishing is also picking up in the late afternoon as water temps hit the daily peak.  If you’re interested in doing a float trip this spring on the upper Ark, give us a call and get on the schedule with Alex.


March 5th:

Fishing on the Upper Ark is turning on fast due to quickly rising water temperatures.  The shift to warmer weather has brought water temp into the mid 40’s during the afternoon hours and the fish are responding by feeding opportunistically on well presented stonefly nymphs, caddis larva and attractor nymphs in the 12 – 16 size range.  Midge are hatching heavily on many days and you will want to add a black midge pupa to the mix during these times.  Blue-winged olive mayflies will begin hatching any day now and the nymphs are already exhibiting behavioral drift so have some imitations like the Barr’s Emerger, RS2 and slim pheasant tail on hand to trail behind a larger nymph.  Focus your efforts on primary pools and runs for now as the fish are still concentrated in winter holding water.  Fish will begin to spend more time in the riffles and pocket water as the hatches progress and water temperatures remain in the 40’s through the nighttime and early morning hours. 


February 19th:

The Upper Arkansas is starting to thaw out and already has many areas of open water to fish, especially as you get above Coaldale and on up towards Salida.  With significantly warmer weather forecast for late February, the edge ice in Bighorn Sheep Canyon should diminish rapidly opening up miles and miles of public water.  The cold winter has made fishing difficult in the canyon for the past eight weeks so fish have seen very little pressure.  As the weather warms and water temperature increase, you can expect to see the fishing turn on quick!  Nymphing with golden stoneflies, caddis larva, baetis nymphs and midge pupa can be deadly.  The streamer action in the afternoon, after the water has warmed four or five degrees, can also be red hot. 


Recommended Patterns:

WD40, Top Secret Midge  #20-22

Mercury Black Beauty, RS2 #18 – 22

Juju Baetis and FOD #18-22

Parachute Adams and BWO Vis-S-Dun #18-22

Tungsten Caddis Larva #16-18

Mercer’s Epoxy Golden Stone and Cravens Two-Bit Golden Stone #10-14